Refund Policy

Eligibility for Refund:

You can ask for a refund if you bought WhatBuddy directly from our website or an authorized seller. If you got WhatBuddy from another website or store, please check their refund policy.

You can get a refund within 30 days of buying WhatBuddy.

Valid Reasons for Refund:

You can get a refund if:

  • You have trouble using WhatBuddy because of technical issues.
  • You are not happy with the features or how WhatBuddy works.
Refund Process:

To get a refund, email our customer support team at contact [@]

Tell us your order details and why you want a refund.

We will check your request and reply within 2 business days with next steps.

Refund Timeline:

If your refund is approved, we will start the refund process.

It may take 5-7 working days for the refunded money to go back to your original payment method or bank account.

Unused Subscription Period:

If you cancel your subscription and want a refund, you will get a refund for the remaining time of your subscription.

Please Note:
  • Refunds will be given back to the original payment method. If that's not possible, we will use a different method.
  • Only the amount you paid for WhatBuddy will be refunded. Other fees, like transaction fees, will not be refunded.

We want to make sure you are happy with WhatBuddy. If you have any questions about our refund policy, please contact our support team.